One More Reason to Attend Office 2.0 – First Public Demo of Genesis
Fall conference season starts for me next week with Office 2.0 in San Francisco. With one post conference organizer Ismael Ghalimi started a blog avalanche and Dennis Howlett, Zoli Erdos, Vinnie Mirchandani and Susan Scrupski provide a long list of reasons why you shouldn’t miss this event.
However there is one more reason to attend. I will do the first public presentation of Genesis (code-name of the product I have been working on for the last 9 months) and talk about the motivation for the project, the upcoming pilot and our roadmap. I truly believe Genesis has the potential to change the desktop of business users in the enterprise fundamentally. Think about it as an iTunes for Business or a personal portal local to your desktop with integrated collaboration features. But don’t take my word for it and come to Office 2.0 to judge for yourself.
4 Comments to One More Reason to Attend Office 2.0 – First Public Demo of Genesis
Sounds really interesting… when will you be demoing Genesis? During a session or at the demo exhibit?
I don’t know the details yet, but Ismael told me I will be able to do a session on Genesis. Looking forward to meet you at Office 2.0.
UPDATE: My session will be on Friday at 8:15. See also
April 4, 2009
have you updated or made any new posts since august 2008? it is 2009…
August 26, 2008