O’Reilly uncovers the future of the Web…

Thursday, March 22nd, 2007 | Humor, Technology, Web 2.0

Well it is not quite April fools day yet, but Nat Torkington from O’Reilly has posted this hillarious entry on his blog. We all know the semantic Web is around the corner… not (watched Borat yesterday).
Thirteen years ago I started to work in the area of electronic data interchange between companies. The biggest challenge was to get an agreement on the semantics of the message (just look at the numerous ways a Name and Address Field can be qualified) and have different applications interpret the data in the same way. The UN standard EDIFACT, as complex as it is, went a long way, but then came XML which was supposed to solve everything. What a lot of people did not understand then is that XML is just syntax and the semantic problem was still not solved. Until today the electronic exchange of business data in a many to many scenario remains challenging. But I am digressing. Here are some of my favorite parts of Nat’s post:

2010: Semantic Web developers release a new XML format. This will be hailed as the final step to the completion of Web 3.0.

They’ll skip version 7, and release “Firefox X”. X will support RSS for blogs, IM, twitter, and the new communication system that flashes updates from your friends every 2 seconds in yellow on black 64pt type as you work. “Crack”, as the system will be called, will be so addictive that it drives sales of Firefox X through the roof… As the corpses stack up in city streets, the professional time-wasting class known as Knowledge Workers will have been eliminated from the world.

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